"Why do my batteries keep going dead?"

It's a familiar story: You fully charged the Airstream's batteries before putting it into storage (or into your garage), and put the Battery Disconnect switch in the "STORE" position – as it should be. A few weeks later, you went back to the Airstream to find the batteries completely flat.

I hear versions of this all the time. And now that we store our Airstream off-site in between trips, I'd been running into the same problem myself.  

Every Airstreamer should be concerned about the batteries going fully dead. After it happens a few times you'll find the batteries will stop taking a charge entirely. When that happens, the problem becomes expensive–you'll have to buy another set of batteries.

The most common culprit

Why do bad batteries happen to good Airstream owners?

An Airstream is never truly "turned off." There's always some electronic device silently sucking power out of the batteries. If left unchecked, that power drain will eventually tap out the batteries completely.

People call this "parasitic drain" or "vampire drain" but in the industry it's more commonly referred to as "standby." Whatever you call it, what's important to understand is that a tiny trickle of electronic neediness will add up over time.

Late-model Airstreams have lots of neat electronic gadgets that have little control boards. Some of those boards sip power even when the device is turned "off." These can include the stereo, refrigerator, and water heater. Other devices that need a tiny amount of power constantly include the TV antenna booster, a TST repeater/booster, and the propane leak detector.

All of this power sipping can add up to your batteries being drained completely when the Airstream sits in storage, unplugged. Even when you flip the Battery Disconnect to the "STORE" position, some items never turn off.

How long will the batteries last in storage?

When a device's power requirement (or "draw") is very small, we don't worry about it during travel. I'm talking about draw of less than 0.1 amp. In daily camping life, these things are not significant.

But when you've parked the Airstream in storage, this draw adds up over time.

How much? Let's do the math. 

My Airstream's original lead-acid batteries held about 62 usable Amp-hours (Ah) of power. This was printed on a label atop the batteries.

Batteries in an Airstream battery box

In my Airstream, all the parasitic draws add up to about 11 watts, or 0.81 amps. (I know this because I installed an amp-hour meter.)

Take 62 and divide by 0.81 and you get the number of hours those batteries will last before they're discharged too much. In this case it's 76.5 hours, or just over 3 days.

"Whaaa? Just sitting there doing nothing, my Airstream batteries will only last for 3 days?"

Yes, although the amount of time will vary depending on the capacity of the batteries you have installed. After that, the batteries will be drained too much, which can shorten their lifespan considerably. Repeat this a few times and you'll need to replace them.

"But isn't the reason for the Battery Disconnect switch to turn off the power?"

You'd think so. But even when the switch is in the "STORE" position, it doesn't quite turn off every single thing.

Anything directly connected to the battery, such as a TST repeater/booster and the propane leak detector (on trailers made before 2023 model year), will still draw some power. On my Airstream, that's about 3 watts or 0.19 Ah.

Do the math again, and we find that even with the Battery Disconnect switch the battery bank will last just about 13-14 days. That may not help. If your Airstream is unplugged in storage for a few weeks at a time you're still going to come back to dead batteries.

How to avoid the problem

What's an Airstreamer to do? You've got a few options:

  1. Leave the Airstream plugged in, if you can. Airstreams in model years 2018 and later generally have multi-stage chargers that are OK to leave plugged in all the time. This is not a great strategy for older Airstreams with single-stage chargers, as there's a risk of overcharging the battery in the long run.
  2. Install rooftop solar of at least 90 watts, to keep the batteries charged. Of course, this only works if your Airstream is out in the sun and it's not too gloomy during the winter.
  3. Disconnect the batteries during storage. This is my preferred option. You just disconnect the negative cables from the battery. If you don't like messing with wrenches and power cables, have somebody install a nice neat "quick disconnect" switch on the negative terminal and connect all the negative cables to it.

Even with the batteries disconnected you may have to charge up the batteries during long periods of storage. Lead-acid batteries (which includes AGM batteries) will "self-discharge." The rate varies, but figure about 5% of the total capacity will be lost each week, which means conservatively you should plan to top up the batteries every couple of months at least.

If you have lithium batteries, self-discharge isn't a concern if you've disconnected them. The lithium battery chemistry used in RVs only self-discharges about 2-3% per year.

Follow these tips and your batteries should last for years. The golden rule with batteries is: Always Keep Them Charged.


Photo credit for featured image: Agent J on Unsplash



JP sherry

JP sherry

For older airstreams with single stage chargers, you can attach a trickle charger directly to the batteries when in storage to keep the batteries topped off.

Rich Luhr

Rich Luhr

Yes, you can attach a charger, but be sure it is a “battery maintainer” not just a constant trickle charger. Battery maintainers are smart enough to avoid overcharging batteries, whereas some basic trickle chargers aren’t.

Robert Smith

Robert Smith

I have a question I was thinking of getting a portable solar panel to basically keep my batteries charged during storage how many watt panel would I need? I have a 1997 31 ft classic if that makes any difference

Rich Luhr

Rich Luhr

Robert, it’s hard to recommend an exact wattage for this purpose because there are so many variables: your latitude, the amount of each day that the panel will have a clear line of sight to the sun, the cloudiness in your area, whether you’re using the Battery Disconnect, etc. But generally speaking I wouldn’t go with less than 90 watts for a typical 2-battery Lead-Acid setup.

More importantly, if you use a portable panel keep the possibility of theft in mind. A rooftop-mounted (permanent) panel is a better idea for this application.

Dave K

Dave K

Excellent answer. I have the same problem in my Winnebago Navion. Even with the battery disconnect switch off, inverter/converter off, battery goes below 50% with 3-4 weeks (stored in dark). No one has been able to answer includeing Winnebago. I have a TST repeater, cellular extenter and propane detector. That must be it. I will work the solutions you suggested. Thanks sooooo much!

Dana Chalamet

Dana Chalamet

We have a 2023 Bambi 19CB. Winterizing was a price of cake (although I don’t understand the two low-point drain valves under the bed and what they’re even for). Re: batteries. If we keep our AS plugged in (which it always is when parked in our second driveway), do I need to have the battery switch off (in “Store” position) or should it be ON? I would think “on”, but I’m not sure. Thanks for ALL the info you share. Love all your emails! ☺️

Rich Luhr

Rich Luhr

Dana: You should get to know those low-point drains — they’re important! Without opening them, it’s possible water will be left in parts of the plumbing, which could cause a problem.

If you leave your Airstream plugged in, then you can leave an electronic battery switch in either position and the batteries will still be able to charge. If you have a mechanical battery switch you should leave it in the ON or USE position.



Hi Rich. Thank you for all the help you provide to the Airstream community. I have a 2021 Globetrotter 25FBT. I have converted to lithium with 200 amp hours of battleborns batteries. The trailer is kept in enclosed / heated storage with access to 30 amp and 15 amp power. I live in northern Ohio. Is the easiest way to maintain the batteries just simply plugging in all winter long? Will the 15 amp power do the trick to keep a slow charge going to the lithium batteries? Is 15A adequate or do I need to pay the additional fee to plug into the 30 amp outlet? Thank you very much. Mike

Rich Luhr

Rich Luhr

Mike, in your case things are simple. Just plug into any power outlet (15 amp is more than enough) and the power converter in your 2021 Airstream will keep the batteries charged.

George Osman

George Osman

Question , I just purchased a new battery and after a few days not plugged in to shore power the battery loses power. The Airstream is vintage 1994 and last year for the past 3 years I had a Die Hard Battery that you could go for a few weeks before plugging in to shore power . As it was getting a bit older I purchased a Sam’s Club battery and now it dose not last ???replace once all ready this year .
Question need help should I just disconnect the pos and neg cables when not in use or plugged in to show power to keep battery charges . I am not familiar with electric devices to check things to see if I have any other issues. Once battery is charged all is well .
Thank You

Rich Luhr

Rich Luhr

George, in your case, the best option is probably to disconnect the negative cable when storing the Airstream. That will prevent any parasitic drains in the Airstream from killing the battery. If the battery still goes dead, take it to an auto parts store and have it tested before you decide to replace it.

Your 1994 Airstream has a relatively unsophisticated single-stage charger, which is not recommended to be left plugged in during storage.



I have a ‘new to me’ 2020 Airstream Interstate GT that I winterized and turned the cabin AGM battery off. Should I also disconnect them? It is parked where there is no electricity available. Should I look for a different parking space with electricity? It is in MA. Thanks.

Joe Claypool

Joe Claypool

I spoke with Battle Born re: care of my lithium batteries during winter storage. I asked specifically about only disconnecting the negative terminals. Per Battle Born, “We recommend a full disconnect (negative & positive) anytime the trailer/batteries are placed in storage. Not only in the wintertime.”

Rich Luhr

Rich Luhr

Yes, Anne, as this blog discusses, your lead-acid AGM batteries will eventually go dead in storage even with the battery disconnect switch turned to OFF or STORE. It’s your choice whether to disconnect them completely, or seek out a storage spot with electricity.

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