We ship Monday - Friday and most in-stock items are shipped in 1-2 business days from date of order. Keep in mind that federal holidays may impact this, because they affect staff schedules and carrier pick-ups.

Depending on your proximity to Santa Fe, NM or Tucson, AZ, most customers typically receive their packages in 4-7 business days.

There are 3 ways to track your order

1. If you entered your phone number or email address when you placed your order, our system will automatically update you by text or email at each step of the shipment and delivery process.

2. Go to our Help Center, and enter your order information. Tracking information will be provided based on this data.

3. If you created an account when you purchased your items, login at the top of any page in our store to check the status of your order.

Got questions?  Contact us at help@airgear.store or (520) 605-5000.