Years ago, an Airstream couple visited our (now permanently closed) Tucson retail store and gave us an acronym we've never forgotten. They told us they were on an extended Airstream adventure because they wanted to maximize their QTR: Quality Time Remaining.
That conversation really stuck with us, and we've taken it to heart by squeezing in as much travel as we can, Airstream or otherwise, every year since. After all, who knows when we will no longer have our health and mobility, or the opportunity to see the world? If we don't check things off our bucket list and schedule our road trips now, when will we?
Right now is the best time to plan next year's travel schedule
Truth be told, we talk about trips and travel nearly all year long. But late December through early January is our favorite time of year to sketch out major trips for the upcoming year, and commit dates to the calendar. We find that once a trip is in the calendar, there's a high likelihood that we will actually GO.
As part of the planning process, we first consider the bucket list trips that have been at the top of our list. It's a great starting point for discussion. Is there someplace you've always wanted to go or something you always hoped to do? Do it! Invoking "QTR" on this one, life is short so why not pack in as many bucket list trips as possible?
After attending the Rose Parade Rally in Pasadena a few years ago, I wrote this blog about why and how to schedule a bucket list trip.
In 2025, we've scheduled two of them: Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta (a bucket list for me, Rich has already been), and the Baja Peninsula, Mexico.
I'll be at my keyboard in the wee hours of the morning on January 15 when the Balloon Fiesta opens its RV reservations. We're going with another Airstream couple and we'll be adding some cycling to the trip.
For our trip to the Baja, we're tagging along with Airstreamer friends Julio and Erica, highly experienced Baja travelers who've made some great videos about their adventures, which include scuba diving, snorkeling, and deep sea fishing.
Add a few national park picks to your schedule
In February, we return to our favorite "hometown" national park: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. It's a no-hookup campground in a beautiful desert setting. (Limited generator sites are available, with limited generator hours.) We'll be joined by friends who are first-timers to the park.
In March, we're headed to Big Bend National Park in Texas. Rich has raved about this park for years. It's so massive it takes nearly an hour to drive across and has widely-spaced three campgrounds. Last year we were close when we had breakfast in Marathon, Texas on a road trip home from Central Mexico, but there was no time to divert for a visit. Over breakfast we vowed to plan a visit as soon as possible – and that visit will happen in March 2025.
I'm sure there will be a few more national parks that hit the schedule as well. Two we've been talking about a lot lately are Death Valley and Hovenweep.
Our best advice
Make a list of your bucket list trips, crack open the Road Atlas and/or laptop, and start your 2025 travel planning before your New Year's Eve toast. We plan to do the same, because we still have gaps on our calendar, and a lot of half-baked ideas that need fleshing out.
Here are a few articles to spark ideas and inspire your conversation. is a great resource too.
1 comment
Jeffery Hammonds
We live full-time in our Airstream; planning/dreaming is one of my favorite things to do.